Contact data:
Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH
Wagnermühle 30 - 5310 Mondsee
Telefon: +43 6232 4201 0
Fax: +43 6232 3545
US + Canada OFFICE
Camaro USA, LLC
1021 39th Ave Se
Puyallup WA 98374
Phone: 253-867-5735
Fax: 253-867-5734
Represented by the Managing Director:
Mag. Thomas Roiser CEO
Information according to the ECG
FN: 163321 d
VAT ID-Nr: ATU 43 53 74 00
GLN: 9008390595206
Court: Landesgericht Wels
Authority according ECG (E-Commerce Law): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Vöcklabruck
Business objectives:
Production and sales of neoprene wetsuits and apparel & gear.Project Management, Design & Development
chiliSCHARF GmbH
Zollamtstraße 7
A-4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 890 777
Copyright: andreykuzmin / 123RF Lizenzfreie Bilder
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform, which you can find under the link to the European Commission's platform. We are not obliged and in principle not prepared to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration body.
Conditions of participations for raffles:
- Raffle period and registration deadline apply according to the postings
- The winner will be selected by draft and the winner will be contacted per Facebook/Instagram message
- The winner agrees that we publish or post his/her content posted in connection with the raffle
- Personal data will be only used to conduct this raffle and will be deleted afterwards
- Camaro Erich Roiser GmbH is the organiser of this raffle
- Facebook and Instagram is not connected in anyway with or sponsoring, supporting or organizing the raffle
- We do not allow any legal action and the judges decision is final
- We reserve the right to end the raffle in case of fraud attempt and/or technical problems